Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yoohoos, alarm clocks, and tractors

Today makes 5 weeks since I was diagnosed. I celebrated this morning with a Yoohoo. Well, actually I drank a Yoohoo because I woke up with a BSR (blood sugar reading) of 65, but hey, I still got to drink some Yoohoo! Ill take it any way I can get it :D
I was supposed to get up earlier than ten, but my alarm clock didn't go off. The poor little thing is almost eight years old and I only paid $7 for it when I was nine. My phone wont charge as of last night, so I didn't set an alarm on it. Long story short, I'm supposed to be on the tractor plugging and throwing seed but I'm waiting to re-test so I can eat breakfast.
I hope you all have a super wonderful, amazingly fantastic, extremely blessed day! :D 
Stay True!

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