Friday, March 27, 2015

The Struggle is Real

Ohhh the temptation! 
Mean little hot, salted, crunchy, soft waffle fry. Why couldnt you stay in the box where you belong?!

Whats your temptation?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Understanding the Purpose

One of the hardest parts of being diabetic is trying to figure out why. Why did God give me diabetes? What is his plan, his purpose? How is he going to use this? My wonderful, sweet friend who has been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years, recently prayed with me. She begged and pleaded with God to heal me, to take it away, that she knew how hard it was, that she didn't want me to have to bear such a heavy burden. As we cried and prayed together, I realized I had been praying for answers, looking for a reason, a purpose, asking God to show me his plans, how he was going to work this together for his good. Then all the sudden it hit me- Faith. This is where my faith must take over my fear. Not that I'm really afraid of diabetes, because I'm not. My fear is that I wont do what I'm supposed to with this burden God has given me. Do I pray for healing? Do I pray to stay diabetic so I can help others?
Do I pray for understanding or psychic abilities to see see the future?
I realized just how dumb it was to ask God to show me what he planned to do with my diabetes. Knowing his plans would eliminate my need for Faith. No. Praying for complete understanding was not the way to go. 
All I could pray was God teach me. 
You see, I do not mind having diabetes. As ridiculous as that sounds, its true. Do I like daily injections and finger pokes? Do I like having to count everything I eat 24/7? Of course not. But I can handle it. Its really okay that I have type 1 diabetes, God has given me peace from day 1. I just want to learn. So when I pray it is not necessarily for healing, it is to ask for direction. God, how can you use me through this? Or, do you want to heal me for your glory? Don't get me wrong, healing would be GREAT, but that's not how Ive felt led to pray just yet.
My prayer is that God will teach me something through all of this. God has a purpose, but its not about understanding his purpose. Its about having faith that he has a plan, an expected end, and that he is going to teach you and make you stronger. So whatever your facing, remember your not the only one. Whether its T1D, sickness, family problems, whatever it may be, leave your ears and heart open to God. I just know he has a lesson to teach you.
Stay True, Kelby

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yoohoos, alarm clocks, and tractors

Today makes 5 weeks since I was diagnosed. I celebrated this morning with a Yoohoo. Well, actually I drank a Yoohoo because I woke up with a BSR (blood sugar reading) of 65, but hey, I still got to drink some Yoohoo! Ill take it any way I can get it :D
I was supposed to get up earlier than ten, but my alarm clock didn't go off. The poor little thing is almost eight years old and I only paid $7 for it when I was nine. My phone wont charge as of last night, so I didn't set an alarm on it. Long story short, I'm supposed to be on the tractor plugging and throwing seed but I'm waiting to re-test so I can eat breakfast.
I hope you all have a super wonderful, amazingly fantastic, extremely blessed day! :D 
Stay True!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Before Bed Lows...

Sooo I had a nice, long day today. I worked a 10-330 shift and ran around the whole time refilling peoples "beverages" (Your not allowed to say "drink" at Chickfila...) and being nice and smiling.. ALOT. The whole 6 hours between breakfast and lunch I didn't have a low. Just to clear this up, the lowest I've been so far is only 62. So I'm not talking a can't function kinda low, just below my target range low. I was out of test strips so I couldn't eat right after work and had to drive home. (My Moms a little freaky about me eating without testing first.. We are all new at this, so I understand.) I felt a little weird so I ate a small snack before leaving work. Long story short, before my late lunch I tested in range and before dinner I tested in range. Bolused for my dinner, took my Lantus at 10, everything is good. We had a game night at our house tonight so we played Rook and then sang while a friend played the piano. It was a good night. I ended up coming home with my best friend and staying the night with her. I'm really tired but I thought it was from a long day. I tested before going to bed (or so I thought) and I was at 75. Not bad, but below target range. Ive never had a before bed low, so I'm sitting here like, "Oh my word did I take Humalog instead of Lantus?!" "Did I over-bolus for dinner?" "What made this happen?" When, in all actuality, diabetics have lows sometimes.. its kinda what we do, right? I drank some juice, tested 15 minutes later and I'm at 82... Still not super comfortable going to sleep below 100, I decided to blog about it. Your welcome. I tested just about five minutes ago and I'm at 117 currently. So its all good. Its funny because I know all of you diabetic pros are reading this and thinking, "She has no idea what a low is" and I'm sure that's true, but its okay. I don't mind being a rookie ; )
Just to clear this up though, there will be times I am on the lower end for no apparent reason, right? Does that happen to ya'll?
Stay True,

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Here we go..!

Howdy everyone. This is my first official post. Hallelujah, I finally got here. I'm tellin ya, I'm long winded and it took me forever to finish all the special pages on this blog. That said, here we are, my first post. I plan to post regularly about everything from diabetes to dogs. Why dogs you ask? Because my dog just jumped in my lap and its the first thing I thought of. So there ya go. On less random note, I do have some things to post about that relate to diabetes... first question:
Why does my family doctor want to make my life more complicated by telling me, "You ll know if you have a bacterial infection if your blood sugars are running high.."?
Does she want me to go insane?
I woke up yesterday morning around 530 with terrible congestion and a bad sinus headache. Let me just start by saying, I'm no rookie when it comes to sinus infections. I get one at least once a year if not twice. Before I was diabetic I would call, tell the office my symptoms, schedule an appt, get some antibiotics and be done with it. So I call yesterday to make an appointment because I feel terribly crummy. The receptionist says she'll leave C (my doctors nurse) a note, that she would call me back later. C calls me back several hours later, asks more questions, then says she will talk to Dr D and get back with me. An hour later she calls and says Dr D wants to give it a few days, and to monitor my blood sugars. If I have a bacterial infection, my sugar will run high. 
This makes it hard because my endo office just adjusted my carb/insulin ratio because Ive been running a little low. Plus its that time of the month for me.
So how am I supposed to know if my blood sugars high because I have an infection, because my ratio is off, or because its a certain time of the month?? Anyone else have these problems?!
As I write this I'm reminded... "Do all things without murmurings and disputings.." 
That's just difficult. Anyone else have a complaining problem sometimes?!
Stay True,