Monday, September 21, 2015


Current location: bathroom floor of our hotel

Current time: 10:55pm

Last four BG's
  1. 7:57pm- 139
  2. 8:50pm- 180
  3. 10:34pm- 229
  4. 10:49pm- 230 *after a bottle of water
 Last meal's carb count? 106 carbs, 7 units of insulin administered.

Cause of high BG? Probably all the processed junk I've been eating on this trip and lack of physical activity due to sitting on my bum in the car.

Ketones? Negative.

Action being taken? Almost finished with my second bottle of water, retesting at 11:05 to see if my BG is still rising or if it's decided to cooperate and drop for me.

Future preventative measures? Lowering carb insulin ratio for lunch and dinner from 15/1 to 12/1, trying if at all possible not to eat as much junk tomorrow and maybe try to get some exercise in.

Why don't you take insulin? Because my endo recommended no insulin before bed right now.

BG at 11:05pm is now down to 205. Goodnight folks!

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