Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sisterly Pride

2:01am. She's dilated 5cm. Contractions every minute and a half. And today is my birthday. YAY! What a cool birthday present! Cant wait to smooch his sweet little face...

This is my first all-nighter as a diabetic. I haven't checked my sugar at all yet because I haven't really felt the need to. I was getting sleepy than I drank some Diet Dr Pib (boo for no Diet Dr Pepper-curse you cafeteria) and that caffiene woke me up gooood. Went with Shan (the bro-in-law) downstairs to get his sweatshirt and ended up running all the way to the car and back. It felt GREAT.

Let me just say- my sister is a hero. She has breathed through those contractions like a champ- no epadural! So very proud of her <3 She has an awful good husband too..they make a great team! He is going to have to train my imginary never going to exist future husband. Everything is going smooth and naturally... Praise God! This baby is going to be well loved. Aunt Kelby is going to love him and kiss him and be there for him as long as she lives... cant wait to squeeze his sweet self!

On another random, (litteraly) less sweet note, I have my appointment with the diabetes educator Tuesday! Pump life, here I come!

God is so good. Im so thankful for how he has helped my big Sis. So thankful for how he has helped me EVERYDAY. #GODSGOOD (Oh yes I just with it) Hahaha. Its late, k? Its my birthday too.. so gimme a break. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Decisions, Decisions

Omnipod or One Touch? College Now or Later? Pale orange or bright orange?

Well, the good news is, my A1C at my appointment Friday was 6.3! Perfection! Dr V still thinks I'm in my "honeymoon stage", which means my pancreas is still producing a significant amount of insulin.; but because T1D is an auto-immune disease, my pancreas will continue to produce less and less insulin, until it no longer produces any. My Dr thinks that will happen between now and the end of next year. He says right now I have great control of my diabetes and my numbers look great! Thank the Lord : )
He (my doctor) also thinks that an insulin pump is great option for me! I have literature on 5 different pumps, and Ive narrowed it down to 2. We are waiting on a call from the diabetes specialist to schedule an appointment; she will tell us more about the pumps and what we are looking at financially. Truth of the matter is: I'm excited! Although it does feel a little strange, because this is the first time I've realized how serious diabetes really is. I will have a device attached to me that sustains my life; but if it malfunctions, could end my life. How crazy is that?!
My friend with T1D that has had it her whole life, is in the process of figuring out if she is a candidate for a pancreas transplant. She said if it works for her I would have a personal experience to go off of if I wanted to consider it. I'm like, woah, I don't think I need an organ transplant. Holy Cow! That really makes diabetes seem bigger and more serious!

College is a long story. The decision there is whether I should wait a year to save up/pay off my car, or to jump right in this summer.

Last but not least, we are painting our new house this week.... what color should I paint my room? Should I go with a peachy, more subtle color? Or a nice, bold, color? What to do, what to do...

So, life is crazy. Being almost 17 years old is crazy. Lots of decisions coming up that require lots of prayer. Shew! Lord, give me strength and wisdom beyond my years! ; )

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Wow y'all. Life is....overwhelming, and yet.. beautiful. I'm overflowing with thankfulness tonight. God is SO good, ALL the time. Not just when everything is going smoothly, but in every season of my life He has been good to me. I am blessed with a beautiful, amazing family that loves me so much, a church family that is always there when you need them, no matter what, truly wonderful friendships, shelter, clothing, food, the opportunity to be educated, freedom to worship Christ, a safe, loving home, health, a good job, the ability to see, hear, taste, smell, walk, the beautiful seasons God gives us to enjoy, freedom from the bondage of sin, and the liberty of salvation.
 The assurance of being fully submerged in all Gods love, his goodness, his peace, no matter what your facing is, without a doubt, the most wonderful feeling in all the world. 
I sat down tonight to write about all the changes, difficulties, and struggles I and my family are currently facing. 
Then I realized what a gift it is to live. 
Do you guys understand this? Do you understand how beautiful it is to freely worship Christ? To have an education? To be blessed with a loving family? How often do you really take time to appreciate the beauty of life? 
Sure, life's hard. There are times its difficult, depressing, confusing, and downright overwhelming.
Can I give you some reasons to be thankful? 

If she can be thankful for beatings, sickness, and pain, cant you be thankful for your blessings?
Something to think about.